KaylaTek Delivers Remote Sensing Capabilities across Disciplines from Autonomous Vehicles to Defense Systems including Sensor Integration into C4ISR platforms

KaylaTek delivers services to a broad range of customers across federal, DoD, and commercial companies with intimate knowledge of DoD customers including Joint IED Defeat Organization (JIDO), Night Vision Electronic Sensors Directorate (NVESD), and Defense Advance Research Project Agency (DARPA), KaylaTek exploits new emerging technologies for Asymmetric Threats including wide-area, high-altitude, and space-based technologies.

Capabilities Include:

  • Automatic Target Recognition & AI Leveraging Sensor Technologies to Include Lidar, Radar, Multi/Hyperspectral EOIR, and Sensor Fusion Technologies
  • System of Systems Integration
  • Advanced Ground Station Architecture Design and Operation
  • Counter Improvised Explosive Device (CIED)
  • Counter Un-Manned Aerial System (CUAS)
  • Persistent Surveillance with Advanced EOIR Remote Sensing